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When shrimps are excessively soaked in phosphates, which are commonly used as preservatives, for over 6 hours,
their volume and weight can increase by up to nearly 45%.
While large corporations adhere to the legal standard of 2% increase in weight as a result of soaking,
in most retail markets where shrimps are distributed,
they are practically distributed indiscriminately without any standard.
When shipping sea squirts, if freshwater ice is added to the tank instead of seawater ice for temperature control,
the sea squirts, in order to defend against freshwater, absorb seawater, resulting in an increase in volume and weight by up to nearly 30%.
Although a 3% loss due to the issue is accounted for, whether it is at an appropriate level is a separate matter.
You can focus solely on the core tasks
that enhance the value of your products.
Maximized All-in-One Service
for the convenience of practitioners.
Price trends, supplier information, and data analysis provided
Export-import & distribution processes, promotions, reports
Maximized All-in-One service for customer convenience
Optimal ordering, seasonal/alternative product suggestions for cost reduction
Saved decision-making time, streamlined purchasing and sales organization
A sustainable distribution ecosystem
LinksUp aims to build a sustainable distribution ecosystem by making seafood from around the world easily and conveniently accessible.
Source: Photo news published on August 28, 23 by the Presidential Office.
LinksUp supplied domestic seafood ingredients to the in-house cafeteria.